My Dear Chamber Members,
I want to thank you for the guidance and mentoring of the last five years. I have loved working with a team of “Roll Up Their Sleeves” Tolucans.
We made the village a winter wonderland.
We lit up Ramsey Shilling with snowflakes, snow, actors, bands choirs, hot dogs, banners …2 banners, a trolley, one year we had the battle of the bands on every corner, children’s choirs, all men’s choirs, young adult choirs, the Magical Christmas Truck for 2 years, rock and roll musical trucks, a car show, hot dogs again.
We decorated Riverside Drive with all of the trees wrapped in lights, huge silk ornaments and stars and swans and glorious reindeer in the median.
My beautiful team
Dina Novak and Tom Hilt, the Santa workshop designers
Tim Lightin’ Hawkins
Rhoda Minger, the lady of the bank and the best teacher I ever had
Diane McCreary, my own Mrs. Claus and keeper of the rules
Mr. Christmas tree …Peter Generales
Choir Directress, Cathy Saliba
My people’s choice of always saying Yes, Mr. Jeff Cafuir
Go ask Alice… Roth for making it happen
And the open wallets and hearts of the most generous Tolucans
Richard Bogy
Craig Strong
Steve Hampar
Ramsey Shilling
Cinema Secrets
We had sponsors and a donor tree. We made money and spent money. This Village came out and celebrated. Merchants gave, smiled and had a great time, year after year.
Thank you for always saying Yes.
Paulanna Cuccinello, Holiday Open House Chair
Santa Photos
Santa Photos by Fred Spigelman